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The Retirement Unitrust

The Retirement Unitrust

When Mary's parents passed away, she inherited the farm that she grew up on. The property increased in value and several developers became interested in building homes on the farmland. The farm used to be out in the country, but now, since the city has grown, it is within city limits.

Mary: "We received modest payments from the farm over the years. I allowed a neighboring farmer to graze his cows on the farm until recently. Since I inherited the farm from my parents a few years ago, the value of it has greatly increased."

Bill: "We checked with our tax advisor, and, while the farm could be sold, there would be a very large tax to pay. Since it is a good time to sell the land, we want to do it. Our plan is to let the sale proceeds grow for about 10 years until we plan to retire."

Mary: "I learned from our Foundation representative that there is a plan that will help us achieve all of this, plus allow us to give a very sizeable gift to JESUS Film Harvest Partners, one of our favorite ministries. We can transfer our land to a special trust, where it can be sold tax free and the cash invested for growth. Once we retire, we will begin to receive payments from our trust."

Bill: "We will enjoy a nice retirement, but, more importantly, we're going to use our assets for the work of the Lord. It has always been important to us to teach our children how to be generous and to give back to God some of what He has given us. This was the perfect way for us to do that."

**Note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your benefits may be different, please contact us for more information.

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Since our founding in 2004, the Church of the Nazarene Foundation has distributed over 98 million dollars to ministry. We exist to link vision with ministry through planned giving, so that God's people can leave a lasting Kingdom impact. Learn more.